About Us
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Our Story
In 2019, the seeds of Triangel Scientific were sown in Silicon Valley by two visionary genomics experts with a common dream: revolutionize healthcare through personalized, preventive strategies grounded in science.
Triangel’s Evolution:
The dream takes root in a small research lab.
Triangel Scientific is officially founded; our innovative genome analysis algorithm is patented.
We launch a groundbreaking product, combining genomic, metabolomic, and lifestyle data to devise personalized health strategies.
Our methods receive validation through successful clinical trials.
Today, fueled by unyielding dedication and innovation, Triangel Scientific is a trailblazer
in harnessing science for optimal health. Our mission remains steadfast - to empower individuals with tailored, science-backed health strategies that transcend the conventional healthcare paradigm.
We invite you to be a part of our exhilarating journey as we continue to push the boundaries of what's possible in health science.
Today, fueled by unyielding dedication and innovation, Triangel Scientific is a trailblazer in harnessing science for optimal health. Our mission remains steadfast - to empower individuals with tailored, science-backed health strategies that transcend the conventional healthcare paradigm.
Our AI (GenAIS) successfully underwent validation through a series of clinical trials and is now available as a commercial version.
First 1,500 clients, 20% monthly growth.
Our Vision
Triangel Scientific stands at the frontier of a healthcare revolution, reshaping the future of health science. Our vision transcends treating symptoms to anticipating health risks, paving the way for personalized preventive strategies.
Our belief in preventive health powers this shift. With advanced genomics, metabolomics, and lifestyle analytics, we unlock unparalleled insights into individual health, empowering informed and effective decisions for enhanced wellbeing.
At Triangel, we champion individuality, creating bespoke health strategies that celebrate each person's unique genetic and lifestyle profile. We are not just envisioning this future, we're crafting it, harnessing the transformative potential of modern health science.
With Triangel Scientific, healthcare is evolving from treating illness to promoting optimal health, empowering individuals to truly unlock their health potential.
Our Team
Behind every great scientific breakthrough, there is a team of dedicated professionals who turn ideas into reality. At Triangel Scientific, we're proud to have an ensemble of exceptional individuals who share our vision for preventive healthcare and personalized treatment.
Our team comprises world-class geneticists, metabolomics experts, data scientists, and lifestyle consultants. Together, they embody a unique blend of deep scientific expertise, innovative thinking, and a passionate commitment to transforming healthcare. Their diverse backgrounds and experiences contribute to a rich, collaborative environment where groundbreaking ideas come to life.
At Triangel, we celebrate the diversity, talent, and passion of our team. We believe it's their commitment and expertise that sets us apart and propels us towards our vision.